is delighted to announce the EUROPEAN STUDENT SYMPOSIUM ON ANATOMICAL RESEARCH on 10th OCTOMBER 2024 which will be supported and hosted by Medical University “Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov” - Varna, Bulgaria.
The EFEM would like to invite affiliated societies and the hosting institution to nominate 2 early-stage researchers in Anatomy (undergraduate and/or postgraduate students) to participate to the conference. This will consist of a contest with student research presentations, keynote lectures and networking opportunities. The student talks will consist of two categories:
This will be a short talk which will focus on presenting original conclusive results generated within an experimental project of anatomical research carried out during student (undergraduate or postgraduate) time. This category is more suitable for an advanced student stage. - CATEGORY B: PRELIMINARY RESULTS AND OUTLOOK
This will be a short talk based around an experimental research question of anatomical interest, for which the student has collected preliminary results during the student time (undergraduate or postgraduate). The presentation should illustrate the preliminary work done, identify a proposed research question, how to tackle this, and its importance, in the style of presenting a project for a funding application. This category is more suitable for an earlier student stage and/or for projects of a 3-6 months of duration.
ELIGIBILITY: Participants should either be current undergraduate or postgraduate students or should have completed their studies no more than one year before the symposium and have carried out the experimental work during their student time. There will be awards for best presentations in both categories and this event will offer participants the ability to forge new research connections with colleagues across Europe.
- In addition on the participants in the contest who will be nominated by the societies and by MU-Varna, EFEM would like to welcome colleagues from any background and at any level of their career who share interest in experimental anatomical research to attend the meeting.
- All participants (speakers, attendees, session chairs) are required to register.
- Registration will CLOSE on the 30 July 2024
- Registration is free
- For futher information please visit